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On Point, July 15

July 15, 2004


The defense and prosecution in the Kobe Bryant case claim they can pick a jury in a week or so once selection begins Aug. 27. Others aren't so optimistic. After all, the prosecution is using a jury consultant, and the defense may do the same. If the history of other high-profile criminal cases is a guide, picking a jury could take many weeks.

But it shouldn't. That's one reason the courts get bogged down without improving the quality of justice.

Attorneys have worked up a list of 115 questions for jurors to answer. If the judge approves even half that many, that's unreasonable.

Obviously potential jurors can and should be asked whether they know or are related to any of the principals or witnesses. And if they themselves have been victims or defendants in rape cases. But asking what they think of "interracial dating" or in fact the solicitation of any other opinion is unreasonable.

In federal trials, judges do the bulk of the questioning and we wish that were the practice in state cases, too. Attorneys should have a few peremptory challenges. Selection should be completed in two or three days.

In the end, it will be the quality of the evidence, or lack of it, that will determine guilt or innocence.


All seven House members from Colorado voted Tuesday, along with more than 300 of their colleagues, to approve a free-trade pact with Australia. We heartily approve - and are surprised but pleased that such a large majority of representatives refused to be swayed by the fear-mongers who continue to misrepresent the benefits of free trade.

- Rocky Mountain News

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